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A guide to supporting care leavers through procurement toolkit

8.34 MB PDF file

This toolkit is designed to assist councils adopt a “whole council approach” and include their executive officers, social services, community investment, health, housing, corporate services and their procurement teams in the creation of social value objectives, many of which can be aligned with the core outputs of the Care Leaver Covenant, and which can be secured through their procurement pro...

Document Categories: Forms

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AA-Sponsored Driving Lessons for Young People in Care: Monitoring Report August 2017

46.8 KB DOCX file

AA-Sponsored Driving Lessons for Young People in Care: Monitoring Report August 2017 The AA Charitable Trust (AA) has been involved in funding driving lessons for young people in care (ie separated from their families and looked after by local authorities) since 2011. This has occurred in two stages: the first, a pilot stage between 2011-13 and the second 2015-17.

Document Categories: Other Publications

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Apprenticeship funding in England From August 2021

241 KB PDF file

Support for care leavers and those who have a Local uthority Education, Health and Care plan. There is extra funding available for Care Leaver Apprentices Apprentices aged 19-24, who have previously been in care or who have a Local Authority Education, Health and Care plan, may need extra support and we recognise this can represent an extra cost to employers.

Document Categories: Government Guidance

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Apprenticeships in respect of looked after children

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The Ofsted inspection report of Dorset County Council looked after children and care leavers included a recommendation concerning the development of a full range of opportunities for work experience, traineeships and apprenticeships for care leavers to increase the number who are in employment, education or training. This is the Safeguarding Overview and Scrutiny Committee Report

Document Categories: Local Councils Policies

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Ashfield District Council Care Leavers - Council Tax Exemption Policy

2.53 MB PDF file

This is the original Council Tax exemption policy that went through Ashfield District Council as part of the Nottinghamshire Joint Local Offer.

Document Categories: Local Councils Policies

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Attorney General’s Office Commitment to Care Leavers

106 KB PDF file

This is the commitment from the Attorney Generals Office towards Care Leavers. They commit to provide work opportunities. You can use this signed document if you are asking them or any of its collegues for support with issues relating to care leavers.

Document Categories: Government Offers Policies

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Between Care and the Criminal Justice System A Multi-Agency Round Table Discussion

1.32 MB PDF file

Darren Coyne The Care Leavers’ Association April 2019 We asked delegates to think creatively considering the visibility of Care Leavers, Young People, Adults & the Life Course and Pathways between Care and the Criminal Justice System.

Document Categories: Other Publications

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Cabinet Office commitment to Care Leavers

141 KB PDF file

This is a commitment from the Cabinet Office towards Care Leavers. This is the department that the Prime Minister runs. The Cabinet commit to being part of the Care Leaver Internship Scheme.

Document Categories: Government Offers Policies

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Cabinet report. Care Experienced Status as a Protected Characteristic

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Cabinet Report London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Date: 05/06/2023 Subject: Care Experienced Status as a Protected Characteristic Report of: Councillor Alex Sanderson, Cabinet Member for Children and Education Report author: Amana Gordon, Operation Director of Children & Young People Responsible Director Jacqui McShannon – Strategic Director of Children’s Services

Document Categories: Local Councils Other Publications Policies

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Care Leaver exemption from shared accommodation rate (LHA)

304 KB PDF file

These are the actual regulations that were brought in to make care leavers exempt from the Local Housing Allowance LHA rate for shared accommodation. HB A7/2021: The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Care Leavers and Homeless) Amendment Regulations 2021

Document Categories: Factsheets Policies

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