North Northamptonshire Council

North Northamptonshire Council has made care experience a protected characteristic.

Care Leaver Local Offer

North Northamptonshire Council has published a Local Offer for Care Leavers in accordance with Section 2 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017

At North Northamptonshire Council care leavers co-produce the local offer.

They have met as a group – for North and West Northants, and given their views on what is in there, and what they think is missing from the offer. We have had a local offer event since then to canvas for support, and will update the local offer now we have more great offers in, which the care leavers asked for.

The best person to contact regarding the Local Offer is:

Rachel Shaw

Email Address:
[email protected]

07900918194 / 01604 364778 / 01604 364779

The Director responsible for Children's Services is:

Ms AnnMarie Dodds

Email Address:
[email protected]

Council Tax

North Northamptonshire Council has exempted care leavers from Council Tax

Council tax is exempted up to the age of: 21

North Northamptonshire Council does not include care leavers from other areas in their council tax exemption policy

To apply care leavers need to:
They first apply for single persons discount available nationally to everyone. Following that the care experienced person will apply for the council tax reduction scheme


Care leavers receive priority for social housing

Priority is offered up to the age of: 21

Banding priority is: B

Additional information / how to qualify:
PA sends in a supported move on referral form, and YP applies with PA support online to the housing register.

Care leavers get to practice independent living with taster flats

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist as a guarantor for care leavers in private rented property

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with providing a deposit for care leavers in private rented property

Setting up a home

Care leavers are provided with a setting up allowance

Allowance amount: £3000

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with support to pay at least the first year TV licence for care leavers

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with support to pay at least the first year home contents insurance for care leavers

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with support to pay for redecoration costs of a care leavers first flat

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with support with broadband costs for care leavers

North Northamptonshire Council will not in principle assist with support with mobile phone costs for care leavers

North Northamptonshire Council will pay towards cooking equipment for care leavers

Employment and Apprenticeships

North Northamptonshire Council does not offer work experience within the council for care leavers

North Northamptonshire Council will pay for work/interview clothes

North Northamptonshire Council will pay towards travel to work or training

There are ringfenced apprenticeship vacancies for care leavers at North Northamptonshire Council

6 apprenticeship vacancies are ringfenced a year

Care leavers are working as apprenticeships within North Northamptonshire Council

Number per year: 6

Additional information about work and training:
On Work Clothes - a £100 offer to start work. We also have a free clothes rail of corporate wear donate through the local offer (Barclaycard Northampton)

1. Any YP we employ or who are employed by a business we work with through our local offer, will be able to access our support package. This is individual and can include 3 way supervision, meetings involving the PA, whatever is needed to support the YP into the role.

2. We take groups of YP’s to business and organisations who support YP into the workplace on open days, days to look round, taster days for that industry, whatever is available on our local offer.

3. Workshops for resilience and employability run by organisations.

4. Prospects offer a weekly drop in at our care leavers hub

5. Our Senior PA meets with all the local college to discuss attendance and any concerns to keep the YP’s in education

6. Jobs within the unitaries and the trust are sent to us and we send out to all our care leavers on our email distribution list and social media sites.

7. Our senior PA has lots of links locally into ETE options and distributions and sign posts accordingly

Participation in Society

North Northamptonshire Council will ensure each young person has ID documents when they leave care

Passport: Yes

Provisional Driving Licence: Yes

Birth Certificate: Yes

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with driving lessons

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with driving theory tests

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with driving tests

North Northamptonshire Council in principle will assist with CBT tests

Partners local to North Northamptonshire Council do not offer support with free travel for care leavers

Access to corporate parents

Care leavers have the opportunity to meet with their corporate parents (councillors)

Care leavers do not have the opportunity for mentoring with any of the senior leadership team

Additional details:
Offering work experience with our councillors and other partner organisations. We will try and give you a business mentor if you require

Children in care and care leavers council

North Northamptonshire Council has a children in care and care leavers council

Details of council:
Care leavers council west has about 20 members
North has 3

Children in care council west has about 20 members
North has about 8

Contact Lorraine Flute [email protected] and Marion Winship [email protected]

Children in care and care leavers council does not have its own bank account

Children in care and care leavers council does not have its own constitution

Health and Wellbeing

Care leavers do not get free access to leisure facilities as part of the Local Offer

Special Occasions

North Northamptonshire Council pays towards Christmas and other religious celebrations for care leavers

£50 for Christmas, or Eid or a celebration for that YP’s faith / culture

North Northamptonshire Council pays towards birthday celebrations for care leavers

£50 per birthday apart from 18th and 21st which is £100


North Northamptonshire Council does not have peer mentors (other care leavers)

North Northamptonshire Council has other mentoring schemes

Barclays bank and GXO both offer 5 mentoring spaces.
We also have creative mentoring – 5 spaces.

Access to care files

Young people do not have to go through the complaints dept to access their care files

Young people who access their care files get emotional support before, during and after disclosure

They can access their PA, or they can also use Service Six who offer to go through their files with them and support as needed.

Facts and Figures

Number of looked after children since 2014


Number of care leavers by age, year ending 31st March 2020


We are unable to confirm the percentage of care leavers in North Northamptonshire Council who were not in education, training or employment over the last 10 years

Political Control

North Northamptonshire Council is a Conservative controlled council

Ofsted Ratings

Publication date: 25 November 2022

Overall effectiveness: Requires Improvement

Experiences and progress of children in care: N/A

Experiences and progress of care leavers: Requires Improvement

Impact of leaders on social work practice with children and families: Requires Improvement