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Supporting care experienced parents in and leaving care Charter

209 KB DOCX file

We would like all Local Authorities in the UK to adopt this charter. Please download and put forward to your Corporate Parenting. The Charter seeks to eliminate discrimination and automatic pre-birth assessements of care experienced parents.

Document Categories: Charters Policies

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Supporting looked after children and care leavers in the Criminal Justice System

112 KB PDF file

Emergent themes and strategies for change. Dr Claire Fitzpatrick is Lecturer in Criminology at Lancaster University, Patrick Williams is Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University and Darren Coyne is Projects and Development Manager at The Care Leavers’ Association

Document Categories: Other Publications

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Supporting parents in and leaving care CASCADE Charter

8.71 MB PDF file

This charter was developed with care-experienced parents and professionals who work for charities and local authorities. The charter sets out what we will do to help you plan for being a parent, how we will support when you become a parent and what we will do to challenge stigma and disadvantage.

Document Categories: Other Publications

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Terry Galloway Talking to BBC News 24 about Protected Characteristics

18.9 KB DOCX file

Terry Galloway talking on BBC News 24 about Protected Characteristics as Cumberland Council passes motion,

Document Categories: Videos

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The designated teacher for looked- after and previously looked-after children

372 KB PDF file

The designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children Statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities February 2018 This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education, issued under sections 20(4) and 20A(4) of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008.

Document Categories: Government Guidance

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The Digital Divide: Internet access for care leavers (London)

1.58 MB PDF file

The Digital Divide: Internet access for care leavers September 2020. This report was undertaken in partnership with the Network of Regional Youth Units and the National House Project. This work gathered the views of 90 care experienced young people on their digital access during Covid19.

Document Categories: Combined Authorities Other Publications

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Toolkit for Supporting Care Leavers in Custody HM Prisons and Probation Service

913 KB PDF file

Published by HM Prisons and Probation Service Some young people may have had a negative experience of the care system and do not want to be associated with being a Care Leaver. Many young people consider ‘Care Leaver’ a negative label that carries stigma associated with challenging behaviour and poor attainment.

Document Categories: Government Guidance Other Publications

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Towards a London-wide care offer Children's Society

304 KB PDF file

This report calls for a common offer for care leavers across London, regardless of where they're looked after. At the moment care leavers get different support depending on the borough they live in, and many lose support when they move away from the local authority they were in the care of.

Document Categories: Other Publications

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Tower Hamlets Protected Characteristics Report

225 KB PDF file

Tower Hamlets Council adopted to treat care experience as a Protected Characteristic on 26/07/2023 at Cabinet. This is the report that was submitted.

Document Categories: Other Publications Policies

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West Sussex Children in Care Council Constitution

310 KB PDF file

This is the model constitution for the Children in Care Council whose purpose is to give young people in care, and care leavers in West Sussex a voice to be heard directly by the Director of Children’s Services, senior social work staff and the Corporate Parenting Panel.

Document Categories: Local Councils Policies

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